Apart from making his own artwork, Graham is constantly involved with various community based workshops and projects in the UK and Malta. Below are some examples of the work and the range of activities
Oxford Summer School
For a number of years, Graham has worked as one of the tutors at the Oxford Summer School. This is an annual event and runs at the end of July for one week
Graham offers a range of workshop activities but with the focus on 3D structures and designs Mixed media, which includes everyday scrap, cardboard boxes and paint are used by the students to make highly individual art works Below are some examples of the work made by students over the past few years at the summer school Go to www.oxfordsummerschool.com for full details |
The Guardian Angels Special school in Malta worked with Graham to make a paper mosaic fish. Measuring approximately 2m x 1m, it took about 3 hours for 20 children to make it. Using cut coloured paper and glue, small groups worked on separate sections which were then brought together to form the whole picture |
The unit provides acute and medium term mental health care for young people aged 11 - 17. As part of the care programme, artist are invited to work with the young people. Artscape provides a wide range of creative projects, for the benefit of people who use the services of the Oxford Health NHS Trust, their visitors, and the Trust's staff. Funding through this body allows artists to engage with the young people through art work Graham has been involved with this programme for a number of years and each summer, he works as an artist-in-residence Collective work is the main focus - the young people work as a group to create a piece of art that celebrates their abilities. Establishing confidence and well being through making art is the most important goal |
Schools and university workshops
San Anton School in Malta invited Graham to work with pupils during the summer school. Taking water as the subject matter, the pupils worked collectively to make very large pictures using cut and torn paper Octopus, jelly fish, sword fish and buried treasure were some of the topics illustrated through this paper mosaic method |
University of Malta BEd student work

The University of Malta BEd Early Years students/teachers made this mixed media collective using locally sourced cardboard and found objects. Tissue paper was glued over the structure, painted and dry brushed
This completed collective represents their first attempt at this type of work. Through this successful display, the teachers will continue to develop their skills and deliver similar projects in their local schools